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Home  > Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with LRP Mount and 39mm Spacer
Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with LRP Mount and 39mm Spacer
Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with LRP Mount and 39mm Spacer

Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with LRP Mount and 39mm Spacer

The Aimpoint® Micro T-1 with LRP Mount and 39mm spacer allows users to mount the Micro T-1 sight on nearly any weapon by quickly changing the spacer between the mount and the sight. This modular system allows the use of the sight on any M1913 standard Picatinny rail. The LRP used by itself without any of the optional spacers sits at the perfect height for mounting on shotguns, sub-machineguns, or as a backup sight for a magnified optic by using an accessory rail. By including one of the optional 30mm spacers, the sight is optimized for use on the H&K 416 rifle. By utilizing the optional 39mm spacer, the sight is set at the optimal height for co-witness on the AR15/M16/M4 Carbine family of weapons. The Micro LRP mount also includes an integral recoil stop, which absorbs the physical shock of firing the weapon and removes this stress from the mounting bolts.

ModelItem Number
Micro T-1 2 MOA with LRP Mount and 39mm Spacer200073