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Home  > Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)
Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)
Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)
Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)
Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)
Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)

Babington Technology - Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK)

The Expandable Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (E-SPEK) is a lightweight, self-contained and rapidly deployable field kitchen and sanitation center with integral 463L cargo pallet. The E-SPEK replaces the TEMPER tent-based SPEK and is sling-loadable and capable of preparing and serving both UGR-H&S and UGR-A meals for up to 350 personnel per meal cycle. The E-SPEK has its own onboard generator and provides high quality, fresh rations in a controlled environment using closed combustion JP-8 fuel-fired appliances that ensure thermal comfort, energy efficiency and safety. Designed to meet the Air Force's doctrine for Agile Combat Employment (ACE), the system is contained within a 3:1 expandable shelter. The appliance suite consists of a convection oven, griddle, 30-gallon skillet, tilting heated serving line, tilting field sanitation unit and handwashing sink with portable water heater. Once the kitchen is onsite, it can be set up and ready for cooking in 30 minutes by three personnel. Multiple E-SPEKs can be complexed to expand operational capacity to support larger deployable units.


  • Appliances provide roasting, grilling, boiling, baking ,steaming, stewing, pan frying and reheating and use 75-80% less fuel than a comparable kitchen.
  • Designed with the cook in mind – Insulated appliances with exhaust hoods, reduce heat and noise to help maintain a cool, productive workspace.
  • Portable Generator, appliance stand with drawers, hand wash sink, water heater, potable and grey water pumps, integrated exhaust hood & burner training kit.
  • Transportable by air (ATTLA certified), sea, rail and land, with flatbed truck and PLS flatrack.
  • System is outfitted with the following appliances:
    • Convection Oven
    • Silent Griddle
    • 30-Gallon Skillet
    • Tilting Heated Serving Line (T-HSL)
    • Tilting Field Sanitation Unit (T-FSU)