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Home  > BeaverFit - CQB Facility
BeaverFit - CQB Facility
BeaverFit - CQB Facility

BeaverFit - CQB Facility

CQC/CQB facility solutions from BeaverFit are entirely customizable, both in terms of size/layout and internal functionality and shooter flow. These shipping container-based solutions can incorporate any BeaverFit SOE training obstacles and features, to include the elevator lift shaft, urban climbing features and air delivery training stations. Modular internal framing enables reconfigurable rooms and numerous training scenarios. Full audio-visual integration enables onsite command and control, as well as live instructor assessment utilizing the latest in personal handheld devices.

  • Drain Pipes: Suitable for climbing and enables building to building transfers
  • Internal Configuration: Reconfigurable internal framing and full audio/visual integration for C&C
  • External Configuration: Standard ISO containers, Modular and Reconfigurable, Custom branding and wraps available