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Home  > BeaverFit - SunPro 50' X 40'
BeaverFit - SunPro 50' X 40'
BeaverFit - SunPro 50' X 40'

BeaverFit - SunPro 50' X 40'

The BeaverFit 50-foot by 40-foot SunPro is a fully customizable Human Performance Shelter providing a first-rate training area protecting athletes from the harsh sun and wet weather. The shelter bridges two 40-foot lockers, creating a covered and open-ended training area. Utilize this Shelter Solution in months, not years.

  • 10-15 degrees cooler in the shade provided by the structure
  • Fully engineered per UFC 3-301-01 to meet local wind, snow and seismic loads
  • 10-year prorated warranty on the structure's steel and fabric, expected lifespan of 20+ years