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Home  > Bren-Tronics- GVSC CCDC Compliant 6T Li-ion Battery
Bren-Tronics- GVSC CCDC Compliant 6T Li-ion Battery
Bren-Tronics- GVSC CCDC Compliant 6T Li-ion Battery

Bren-Tronics- GVSC CCDC Compliant 6T Li-ion Battery

Designed for demanding power and energy applications such as tactical/combat vehicles, silent watch, robotics, unmanned vehicles, weapon systems, and hybrid power systems.

  • Dimensions (LxWxH): 9.85 in (250 mm) x 10.5 in without handles (267 mm) x 9.05 in (230 mm) including SAE posts
  • Weight: 42 lb (19.1 kg)
  • High output energy of 103Ah and nominal energy capacity of 2.7kWh.
  • Cold cranking current up to 1100A @ -18°C, 400A @-40°C Power Version (with no pre-heat required)
  • SAE post terminals available
Additional Information
Model Item #
Brenergy™ High Energy 24V 6T Lithium-Ion Battery Series BT-70939M-TPB