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Home  > Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Re-Covers and Reconditioning
Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Re-Covers and Reconditioning
Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Re-Covers and Reconditioning

Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Re-Covers and Reconditioning

Rapid installs, naturally lit clear-span interiors and structures up to 300' wide make BRFB temporary, semi-permanent, and permanent buildings the ideal solution for relief centers, logistics structures, maintenance facilities, storage and warehousing facilities, hangars and more. FEATURES:
  • Six frame profiles to choose from to meet permanent, semi-permanent or temporary applications worldwide
  • All structures are clear span with solutions up to widths of 300'
  • Can accommodate accessories to meet your application requirements including but not limited to; steel siding, aircraft doors, cargo and man doors, insulation, HVAC, security, and fire suppression.
  • Suitable for a plethora of foundation options to suit design criteria