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Home  > Bren-Tronics - Advanced Battery Charger (ABC) Quad Adapters
Bren-Tronics - Advanced Battery Charger (ABC) Quad Adapters
Bren-Tronics - Advanced Battery Charger (ABC) Quad Adapters

Bren-Tronics - Advanced Battery Charger (ABC) Quad Adapters

Expand the utility of the Bren-Tronics Advanced Battery Charger (ABC) with our line of Quad Chargers. Improve readiness by eliminating disparate chargers and reducing operation footprint. These drop-in ready solutions can charge the supported battery models listed in the Additional Information table below.
Additional Information
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The BTA-70100-8 adapter when used in conjunction with BTC-70100, Advanced Battery Charger (ABC), will charge one (1) to four (4) CSEL batteries Up to two (2) radios may remain attached to the batteries

QUAD PRC-148 Adapter The BTA-70100-148 adapter when used in conjunction with BTC-70100, Advanced Battery Charger (ABC), will charge one (1) to four (4) PRC-148 batteries (with or without radio attached)

QUAD PRC-152/163 Adapter The BTA-70100-152/163 adapter when used in conjunction with BTC-70100, Advanced Battery Charger (ABC), will charge any combination of one (1) to four (4) PRC-152 or PRC-163 batteries (with or without radio attached), DQ Compliant to optimally charge the PRC-152 battery, SMBus Compliant to optimally charge the new PRC-163 battery

QUAD SMP Adapter The BTA-70100-838 adapter when used in conjunction with BTC-70100, Advanced Battery Charger (ABC), will charge one (1) to four (4) Soldier Modernization Program (SMP) batterie

QUAD NETT+ Adapter The BTA-70100-909 adapter when used in conjunction with BTC-70100, Advanced Battery Charger (ABC), will charge one (1) to four (4) NETT+ batteries

QUAD, CWB Adapter The BTA-70100-910 adapter when used in conjunction with BTC-70100, Advanced Battery Charger (ABC), will charge any combination of one (1) to four (4) of the following Conformal Wearable Batteries: BT-70910AQ, BB-2525/U

BT Part No.
Batteries Supported - 2 per adapter
BB-2590/U, BB-2557/U, BB-390B/U, BB-590, BB-557/U, 16.5V adapter
BB-2590/U, BB-2557/U, BB-390B/U, BB-590, BB-557/U, 16.8V adapter
AN/PRC-148*, AN-PRC-152*, D NiMH. It could also hold 4 of AA NiMH
AN-PRC-153*, C NiMH