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Home  > London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Trauma Emergency Rapid Replenishment Alert (T.E.R.R.A) Kit
London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Trauma Emergency Rapid Replenishment Alert (T.E.R.R.A) Kit
London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Trauma Emergency Rapid Replenishment Alert (T.E.R.R.A) Kit

London Bridge Trading (LBT) - Trauma Emergency Rapid Replenishment Alert (T.E.R.R.A) Kit

The T.E.R.R.A. Kit was designed as the most versatile medical storage and delivery system to date. London Bridge has been on the cutting edge of medical bags. T.E.R.R.A. is a revolutionary hanging bag, geared not only as a highly efficient medical storage delivery system, but also a resupply system. Every SUB KIT pouch and compartment is removable and can be purchased in bulk. Pre-fill secondary pouches for quick resetting. When lives are on the line, seconds count.

  • Color: Black, Coyote Brown, Coyote Tan, MultiCam®, Universal Camo
  • Kitting Options: Version 1, Version 2, Version 3
Additional Information
ModelItem Number
T.E.R.R.A. - Custom Kitting SolutionsContact ADS For Ordering Information
T.E.R.R.A. - Bag Only - with PouchesLBT-2784AKIT
T.E.R.R.A. Kit - Version 3LBT-2784A KIT-3