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Home  > Teledyne FLIR - Advanced Multi-Mission UAS R80D SkyRaider
Teledyne FLIR - Advanced Multi-Mission UAS R80D SkyRaider
Teledyne FLIR - Advanced Multi-Mission UAS R80D SkyRaider

Teledyne FLIR - Advanced Multi-Mission UAS R80D SkyRaider

Developed for U.S. Defense and Federal Government Customers, the R80D SkyRaider delivers a range of versatile Group 2 - 3 payload capabilities with the agility and single-operator deployment footprint of a proven Group 1 VTOL aircraft. With its ability to carry and deliver multiple payloads up to 4.4 lbs, an open architecture, and one of the fastest, most powerful embedded artificial intelligence (AI) computing devices available on a sUAS, the SkyRaider is redefining what's possible with a man-packable UAS. Built on a battle-tested UAS architecture, the SkyRaider integrates specialized hardware and software to support the unique needs of the U.S. DoD and Federal Government users including proprietary hardware and software interfaces, USG only software releases, ATAK integration and more. The SkyRaider's expanded carrying capacity, open payload architecture, and dynamic and responsive flight control, provides an unprecedented level of flexibility in a single sUAS. Long-Range Zoom Payload The HDZoom 30 provides up to 30x optical zoom and 60x enhanced digital zoom for eyes-on-target at distances up to 3 miles (5 km). High-Fidelity Infrared Payload The FLIR EO/IR Mk-II delivers high-fidelity daylight and thermal imagery in a weather-resistant, 3-axis stabilized gimbal. Ultra Low-Light ISR Payload The StormCaster-L is the ultra low-light imaging payload with exceptional line of sight stabilization and range of motion. Continuous Zoom LWIR Imaging Payload The StormCaster-T is a longwave infrared, continuous zoom ISR payload with exceptional line of sight stabilization, range of motion, and geolocation. Tether Kit The Tether Kit enables continuous operation of the R0D SkyRaider and attached payloads in support of multiple mission sets. Osprey Payload The Osprey payload provides a simple, flexible and reliable way to attach and carry almost any object weighing up to 4.4 lbs.