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Home  > Expeditionary Building Systems (EBS) - Large Area Structures
Expeditionary Building Systems (EBS) - Large Area Structures
Expeditionary Building Systems (EBS) - Large Area Structures

Expeditionary Building Systems (EBS) - Large Area Structures

EBS is your go to-destination for rapidly deployed, large-area structures. Some ideal uses: open hangars, dining facilities, open-area offices, and combat conditioning centers; which require unique systems and installation methods. As a one-call facility provider, we simplify this process for our customers, so they can stay focused on their mission.

  • Metal building and fabric structures for wide footprint uses
  • Rapid prefabrication, assembly, and disassembly
  • Highly modifiable, with the ability for flat-pack shipping and assembly by non-tradesman teams
  • Procurement of the system that meets the needs of client. We don't sell a single product, we deliver the right solution.