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Home  > Teledyne FLIR - identiFINDER R400
Teledyne FLIR - identiFINDER R400
Teledyne FLIR - identiFINDER R400

Teledyne FLIR - identiFINDER R400

The identiFINDER R400 is the best all-around handheld radiation detection and identification product you can find. With over 15,000 devices deployed globally, it is the most trusted radio-isotope identification device (RIID) in the world. Operators use the handheld (3 lbs) identiFINDER R400 to detect, quickly locate, accurately measure and precisely identify the source of radioactive material. Like the other identiFINDER R-series products, the R400 contains on-board Bluetooth, web server and GPS technologies and produces rapid visible, audible and tactile alerts that expedite response measures. The common operating interface reduces training time and costs, while increasing operator confidence and inter-operability between agencies using FLIR products. The identiFINDER R400 is the ideal solution for all-purpose surveying, emergency response and environmental monitoring.