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Home  > GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator
GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator
GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator

GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator

Designed to withstand the rigors of daily usage in a wide range of environmental conditions, Schonstedt's GA-72Cd Magnetic Locator detects objects containing iron or steel up to 17' below the surface of the ground. A versatile unit, the GA-72Cd provides audio and visual detection signals that peak when the locator's tip is held directly over a target that contains ferrous metal.

  • Audio & Visual Output
  • Battery & Sensitivity Indicators
  • Choice of Two Audio Modes: Peak or Null response
  • 4 Levels of Sensitivity
  • Popular for UXO and Demining Applications
  • 3-digit LCD readout
  • Signal Strength and Polarity Indications
  • No response to aluminum, brass, or copper
  • HeliFlux® sensors
  • Modular construction; high performance components
  • One year warranty for EOD / UXO use