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Home  > HDT Global - Digital Video Distribution Systems
HDT Global - Digital Video Distribution Systems
HDT Global - Digital Video Distribution Systems

HDT Global - Digital Video Distribution Systems

The HDT Digital Video Distribution System (DVDS) controls a wide range of digital and/or analog sources for quick viewing over multiple monitors or display screens. The built-in video management system allows the input sources connected to both DVI and HDMI displays. The DVDS has quint-screen output capability, allows five separate sources to be displayed on a single screen. The system is neatly packaged in a rugged, weatherproof case with sturdy grab handles for easy transport. All equipment necessary to fully support field operations is included, and ancillary equipment items such as cables, adapters and signal converters are contained in foam-padded¦carriers.

  • ECU capacities range from 5 ton (60K BTU/H) to 12 ton (144K BTU/H)