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Home  > Hendrick Motorsports - Silent Tactical Energy Enhanced Dismount (STEED)
Hendrick Motorsports - Silent Tactical Energy Enhanced Dismount (STEED)
Hendrick Motorsports - Silent Tactical Energy Enhanced Dismount (STEED)

Hendrick Motorsports - Silent Tactical Energy Enhanced Dismount (STEED)

In today's battlefield environment, troops are challenged to compromise with the need for ever increasing squad-level capabilities and their ability to carry these excessive loads without critical levels of fatigue and injury. STEED maximizes small unit dominance through lethal payload transport, increased maneuver and mobility, rapid 1:1 casualty evacuation, and allows Soldiers to arrive on objective at a lower cost of physical exertion allowing enhanced performance. Optimized for austere environments, dense urban, subterranean, climbs stairwells, wetlands, woods, mountains, tight passageways, rubble, uneven ground and more, the STEED can be used on any terrain a soldier may face. U.S. Patent 10,654,503.

  • Curb weight: 190 lbs.
  • Payload: Up to 500 lbs.
  • Range: 15-30 miles on one battery pack (terrain/payload dependent)
  • Drive: Forward and reverse
  • Speed: Variable up to 6.5 mph
  • Control: Single operator, thumb throttle
  • Motor: 1500W electric, zero emissions, fully submersible, tactically silent
  • Batteries: (2) 12 V batteries, 32 Ah, 24V system
  • Charging: 2-4 hours from dead with charger. Less than 5 minutes to switch to 'onboard' secondary battery pack for extended range. Solar panel adapter available.
  • Towable: The universal attachment point allows for towing, winches, etc. to be added to the machine