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Home  > InVeris - BlueFire® Wireless Weapons
InVeris - BlueFire® Wireless Weapons
InVeris - BlueFire® Wireless Weapons

InVeris - BlueFire® Wireless Weapons

InVeris Training Systems' BlueFire® wireless weapons provide the highest level of virtual realism by maintaining form, fit and function. BlueFire weapons use wireless Bluetooth® technology to communicate with the system, allowing same control as FATS® legacy tethered weapons but with full range of motion. For enhanced training, BlueFire® features:
  • After-action review shot assessment for detailed diagnostics, skill reinforcement or correction
  • Untethered for greater mobility and realistic weapon handling
  • Able to be used in conjunction with other FATS® tethered weapon simulators
  • Weapon recoil through a rechargeable magazine of compressed breathable air via a proprietary fill station
  • Real time sensor feedback for robust diagnostics and point of aim during after action review
  • Flat-top M4's allow optional equipment such as forward grips and optics to replicate live fire training
  • Less lethal training with X26 Taser® and chemical (OC) spray