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Home  > InVeris - Stationary Target Lifters
InVeris - Stationary Target Lifters
InVeris - Stationary Target Lifters

InVeris - Stationary Target Lifters

InVeris Training Systems is a global leader in military field range equipment, including static and dynamic infantry and armor targets. With more than 80,000 target systems successfully fielded throughout the world, InVeris's target designs are factory configured to support the communication method and power requirements specified for each range. Lightweight and portable, Stationary Infantry and Armor Targets (SIT/SAT) are easily transported and stacked for deployment or storage. Our deployable targets can be installed on unimproved terrain, in a matter of minutes, with no special equipment required. Lifters performs all standard target commands such as expose, conceal, hit-fall, hit-hold and hit-bob, and can be easily programmed for any combination of commands in scenario mode without affecting the default settings.