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Home  > Performance Drone Works - C100 Multi-Mission Platform
Performance Drone Works - C100  Multi-Mission Platform
Performance Drone Works - C100  Multi-Mission Platform

Performance Drone Works - C100 Multi-Mission Platform

Long-endurance, packable system for ISR and payload delivery

The C100 is a portable, rucksack-packable quadcopter designed for multiple military and public safety operations. Capable of 74 minutes of flight time, this long endurance small UAS has a low audio signature and can be deployed and airborne in under 10 minutes.

The versatile heavy payload drone carries up to 10 lbs and can be equipped with a variety of hot-swappable payloads, including a variety of military-grade EO/IR gimbals, resupply and first aid kits, and munitions.

The C100 is built around a modular open architecture, allowing new hardware and powertrain modifications to be seamlessly integrated. The system incorporates DIU Blue-UAS approved flight avionics, as well as an AES-256 encrypted datalink for reliable and secure communication.