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Home  > Phokus Research Group - Waterproof Deployment Trauma Kit 2
Phokus Research Group - Waterproof Deployment Trauma Kit 2
Phokus Research Group - Waterproof Deployment Trauma Kit 2

Phokus Research Group - Waterproof Deployment Trauma Kit 2

Using a patented pressure sealed, plate shaped design allows operators to comfortably wear medical gear in the negative space behind their ballistic plates. designed for quick deployment, protected and instantly accessible; eliminating the need for bulky external medical pouches. They're also dust proof and waterproof to IP67, meaning they withstand immersion in water one meter deep for up to 30 minutes. Patent No. 8,925,115. The contents follow all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) guidelines.


  • Combat Gauze
  • Z-Fold Gauze x2
  • Elastic Bandage
  • Occlusive Dressing x2
  • 14G Needle
  • NPA W/ 550
  • Nitrile Gloves
  • Casualty Card
  • Safety Pins x2
  • Sharpie
Additional Information
Model Item Number
Deployment Trauma Kit 2 DTK2