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Home  > Rapiscan - Baggage & Parcel Screening
Rapiscan - Baggage & Parcel Screening
Rapiscan - Baggage & Parcel Screening

Rapiscan - Baggage & Parcel Screening

Rapiscan System's ORION® 900 series of single-view and dual-view baggage and parcel transmission X-ray systems feature enhancements in overall image quality, steel penetration, wire resolution, and spatial resolution. Performance enhancements are achieved through a combination of detector technology, state-of-the-art electronics, distortion correction features, and imaging software techniques for material discrimination. Various tunnel sizes accommodate small parcels up to large pallets. Our GEMINI® series features combined transmission and backscatter X-ray technologies to easily detect metallic objects such as knives and guns and organic materials such as drugs and currency hidden in cluttered parcels.