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Home  > Skydio X2D
Skydio X2D
Skydio X2D

Skydio X2D

Skydio X2D Color/Thermal is the ultimate UAS solution for aerial reconnaissance and situational awareness. X2D is powered by Skydio Autonomy Enterprise, an AI-driven autonomous flight engine that enables unparalleled 360-degree obstacle avoidance, autonomous tracking, GPS-denied navigation and complete workflow automation. X2D is designed with a ruggedized, foldable airframe, GPS-based night flight, strobing lights in visible and IR wavelength, and a dual sensor payload with a 12MP color camera and FLIR(R) 320x256 thermal sensor. Built to exceed the Short-Range Reconnaissance (SRR) requirements for the U.S. Army, Skydio X2D is designed and assembled in the USA and is compliant with the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). Optional Add-on: Skydio 3D Scan. Adaptive scanning to automate the image capture process to document complex structures and generate 3D models with comprehensive coverage and ultra-high resolution. Perform higher quality inspections and documentation faster and with minimal pilot training. Wireless frequencies up to 6.2 miles/10km Flight time up to 35 minutes Cybersecurity AES-256 wireless encryption
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