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Home  > Spacesaver - Universal Expeditionary Weapons Storage System™
Spacesaver - Universal Expeditionary Weapons Storage System™
Spacesaver - Universal Expeditionary Weapons Storage System™

Spacesaver - Universal Expeditionary Weapons Storage System™

Whether a unit is deploying or training, it's important to ensure its weapons remain in the same condition when they arrive as when they were shipped. Spacesaver's Universal Expeditionary Weapons Storage System™ with TriCon military shipping container is the first custom integrated container that is capable of storing and shipping modern small arms and crew serve weapons with all of the repair parts and associated collateral gear that comes with it. In short, a weapons shipping and storage solution that fits the needs of your base. Standard features include:

  • Versatile six-section 'plug and play" capability to fit your needs, including (but not limited to) storage of M4s, M16s, M240s, M249s, M870s, M2s, MK19s, and associated collateral gear for multiple Expeditionary and Special Warfare TOA platforms
  • Adjustable shelving brackets, manifest boxes, and vents for maximum configuration
  • Tie-down steel lashing rings and front/door corner post tie downs to load additional items
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