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Home  > Spacesaver - WeaponWRX Firearm Storage System
Spacesaver - WeaponWRX Firearm Storage System
Spacesaver - WeaponWRX Firearm Storage System

Spacesaver - WeaponWRX Firearm Storage System

The WeaponWRX™ storage system was designed specifically for demanding Military weapons storage applications. The rugged, modular steel frames can be configured to fit your storage space and outfitted with any combination of specialized accessories to fit your unique storage requirements. More information below:

  • Units are 36Ó wide, 84Ó tall and 13Ó deep (Custom sizes available)
  • Multiple storage configurations for any type of small arms Ð rifles, shot guns, hand guns, tasers, M4, M16, AR-15, MP5, M249, M240, etc.
  • Weapons can be stored with optics and other accessories mounted to the weapon
  • Modular construction Ð interchangeable parts Ð infinite configurations Ð end-user customization and flexibility
  • Shares components with SpacesaverÕs industry leading UWR® Universal Weapons Rack and FrameWRX® Storage System product lines
  • Units bolt together to create a continuous wall
  • Single-sided (attaches to wall) or double-sided (free standing)
  • Can be mounted to SpacesaverÕs mobile carriages for double the storage capacity in the same space
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