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Home  > TacSAD Computer
TacSAD Computer
TacSAD Computer

TacSAD Computer

TacSAD Features:

• Real Time Map Display of McQ RANGER Sensor Activity, vWatch® Target Video, and rScene® Micro Radar Target Tracks.
• A McQ Base Station Unit receives the sensor and video information and provides an IP Network connection into the TacSAD PC Computer.
• TacSAD provides full Configuration Control for all McQ Sensor Products.
• TacSAD is compatible with Windows 7 and 10 PC Operating Systems.
• The TacSAD software integrates server software with Windows application, GIS Mapping, Database Management, McQ Communications Management, McQ OmniPush XML, and McQ Client User Interface software.
• TacSAD provides system command and control, sensor data storage, video storage and replay, system health and status, and XML information
integration with other user systems.
• The TacSAD provides the user with easy system configuration and set up capabilities in addition to real time information display and situation assessment.