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Home  > Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera
Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera

Tactical Electronics - SWIFT Under Door Camera

The SWIFT Under Door Camera is a size, weight, and power optimized Under Door Camera that is compact enough to fit within a Double M4 Mag Pouch. Featuring up to four individual cameras located within a .26" thick insertion panel, the SWIFT Under Door Camera provides viewing in four directions inside a room: forward, upward/backward, left, and right. Each viewing direction is supplemented with covert 950nm Infrared LED illumination for both low-light & no-light environments.

The SWIFT Under Door Camera is equipped with a Tactical Accessory Port (TAP) which provides USB and Ethernet connectivity as well as an auxiliary 12VDC power input. The integrated USB and Ethernet ports and on-board 5GHz Wi-Fi allow for video to be streamed to any Tactical Electronics' Monitors, the TE View App or ATAK on Android devices, or MANET radios. All SWIFT products offer Stand By mode to help preserve battery life and provide a quick return to video within 10 seconds.