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Home  > vWatch


Industrial Monitoring, Surveillance Sensor

vWatch® provides a capability to set up a live video application through IP networks. The vWatch Video Module compresses video to fit within a given network link, provides for the video distribution over the network, and the video quality provided to the user. The user can adjust the image settings, and consequently the data rate, to match both the link throughput and the data rate plan without stopping and starting the video feed. Importantly, the Video Module enables live quality video even at very low data rates over wifi, cellular or satellite. McQ offers both a hardware or a software option in order to use the software on any camera system. vWatch makes it easy to deploy and remotely control the video operation.

• Battery Operated Surveillance
• Wireless Communications
• Day and Night Cameras
• Persistent Surveillance
• Small Size and Weight with Battery
• Video on Smartphones and Tablets
• Map Based User Display
• Video Storage and Replay
• User Interface System Control
• User Interface Map Display
• McQ RANGER®, Magnetic, and Acoustic Detection, and rScene® Micro Radar Triggering Sensors
