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Home  > WM Industries - F3 & F3 UXO Metal Detectors
WM Industries - F3 & F3 UXO Metal Detectors
WM Industries - F3 & F3 UXO Metal Detectors

WM Industries - F3 & F3 UXO Metal Detectors

The F3 and F3 UXO detectors detect all metal and minimum metal mines at full sensitivity regardless of the mineralized content of the soil. These detectors utilize industry-leading pulse induction bi-polar multi-period sensing and ground balance technologies. These technologies allow operators to not only achieve the highest metal detection sensitivity but also to eliminate false alarms caused by mineralized soil. The F3 and F3 UXO detectors are specially designed to meet the requirements of humanitarian demining and military mine clearance professionals.

The F3 and F3 UXO detectors' superior performance, simplicity, and safeguards made them one of the most widely used metal detectors in the world.

  • Industry Leading Landmine & Unexploded Ordinance Detection
  • Maximum Metal Detection Depth
  • Exceptional Performance in Highly Mineralized Soils
  • Simple, Intuitive Operation
  • Designed to Prevent Operator Error
  • Highly Rugged