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Home  > InVeris - SRCE (See, Rehearse, and Collectively Experience)
InVeris - SRCE (See, Rehearse, and Collectively Experience)
InVeris - SRCE (See, Rehearse, and Collectively Experience)
InVeris - SRCE (See, Rehearse, and Collectively Experience)

InVeris - SRCE (See, Rehearse, and Collectively Experience)

The New SRCE Augmented Reality Trainer. Developed for today's highly mobile military, security and law enforcement entities, InVeris Training Solutions' SRCE enables operators and trainees to see, rehearse and collectively experience future missions at the objective location or virtually with a new level of realism and performance assessment to aid in perfecting critical engagement techniques.
  • SRCE is highly scalable and portable making it ideal for training as well as mission rehearsals in various locations.
  • Unrivaled After-Action Review (AAR) capabilities with quick reset of scenarios enable more training sessions with a greater throughput of operators.
  • See yourself and your team in a live virtual replay as you moved through the objective.
  • Use Analytics to track your position, weapon, eye focus, shots, shot trajectory, accuracy % and times for each trainee.