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Home  > Wing Inflatables - Wing Fuel Bladders
Wing Inflatables - Wing Fuel Bladders
Wing Inflatables - Wing Fuel Bladders

Wing Inflatables - Wing Fuel Bladders

Wing Inflatables has designed collapsible fuel bags to minimize the risk of running out of fuel on your next excursion. Made of the same tough material and construction as Wing inflatable boats used by military and commercial users around the globe, these fuel bags provide additional range without adding significant weight or taking up valuable space.

  • Choice of 6, 9 and 18 gallon capacity (including diesel fuel, aviation gasoline, JP-5, JP-8 and automotive gasoline
  • Durable polyurethane black fabric with black hardware
  • Welded seams
  • Designed to eliminate trapped air for easy filling
Additional Information
ModelItem Number
Wing Fuel Bladder - 6 Gallon8500023
Wing Fuel Bladder - 9 Gallon8500024
Wing Fuel Bladder - 18 Gallon8500020