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Home  > Jameson - Buddy Non-Conductive Fiberglass Conduit Rodders & Fish Tapes
Jameson - Buddy Non-Conductive Fiberglass Conduit Rodders & Fish Tapes
Jameson - Buddy Non-Conductive Fiberglass Conduit Rodders & Fish Tapes

Jameson - Buddy Non-Conductive Fiberglass Conduit Rodders & Fish Tapes

Whether installing short run electrical wire or running long distance copper, coax or fiber optic cable, Jameson has a Buddy to handle the job:
  • 50' to 1,000' Rod Lengths
  • 1/8" to 1/2" Rod Diameters
  • Exceptional Strength. Will Not Kink. Round, Flexible Rod.
  • Slides Easily Over Wires In Occupied Conduit.
  • Accessory Kits for rod and tip repairs
Please ask about our full product line, accessories and custom rodder lengths.
Additional Information
Model Item Number
100' x 1/8" Wee Buddy & Kit 8-18-100K
300' x 3/16" Little Buddy 10-316-300
400' x 1/4" Easy Buddy 6-14-400M
600' x 3/8" Good Buddy II 11A-25-600M
100' x 1/2" Big Buddy 11-38-1000M