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Home  > Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with Standard Mount
Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with Standard Mount
Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with Standard Mount

Aimpoint - Aimpoint® Micro T-1 2MOA with Standard Mount

Built to offer the same battle proven ruggedness as other Aimpoint® products, the Micro T-1 is able to perform under extreme conditions while adding negligible weight to your weapon. The Micro T-1 is ideal as a standalone sight, and because it weighs less than 4 ounces including the integrated Picatinny mount, it can easily be 'piggybacked' on top of larger magnifying scopes, night vision, or thermal imaging optics.

The Aimpoint® Micro T-1 with 2 MOA dot is compatible with all generations of night vision devices. The Micro T-1 has 1 off, 4 night vision compatible and 8 daylight settings. New ACET technology allows over 5 years of constant-on operation from one battery.

ModelItem Number
Micro T-1 2 MOA w/ Standard Mount12417