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Home  > Aimpoint - Aimpoint FCS12
Aimpoint - Aimpoint FCS12
Aimpoint - Aimpoint FCS12

Aimpoint - Aimpoint FCS12

The Aimpoint FCS12 is a Fire Control System for use with weapons such as the Carl Gustav, Panzerfaust, the MK-19 and H&K GMG. The FCS12 system consists of an eye safe 1550 nm Laser Range Finder, a ballistic computer with the capability to store up to 50 different ballistic algorithms, and a parallax- free optical channel with unlimited eye relief.

The FCS12 automatically compensates for the ballistic drop of projectiles at measured distances, factoring in variables such as rotational (spin) drift, propellant temperature, and terrain angle. When the distance is measured, the ballistic is calculated and compensated immediately. The FCS system comes with a remote grip interface, which communicates with the sight via a wireless link. The remote grip interface is designed to control the most important functions for operating the system during engagement.

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