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Home  > Amerex - FE 775 150 NOVEC FILLED
Amerex - FE 775 150 NOVEC FILLED
Amerex - FE 775 150 NOVEC FILLED

Amerex - FE 775 150 NOVEC FILLED

3MTM NOVEC 1230TM Fire Protection Fluid has a Global Warming Potential of 1 and an atmospheric life of just 5 days, making it the long term sustainable choice that also has the greatest margin of safety of any of the extinguishing agents in the marketplace today. It is the trusted flight line solution for both airport operators and military applications around the world. It's equipped with brass, chrome-plated operating valve, heavy- duty steel cylinder, carriage and hose hanger assembly, quick-release 40-ft. discharge hose with brass/chrome plated ball type shut-off nozzle, pressure gauge protected by a stainless steel gauge guard, and corrosion resistant lime/yellow polyester paint finish. Bilingual labels. FEATURES:
  • Rating: 3A: 80B: C
  • Warranty Period: 6 Year Manufactuer's Warranty
  • Certifications: Marine/UL Approved