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Home  > Amerex - Purple K Dry Chemical
Amerex - Purple K Dry Chemical
Amerex - Purple K Dry Chemical

Amerex - Purple K Dry Chemical

PURPLE K extinguishers contain specially fluidized and siliconized potassium bicarbonate dry chemical which is particularly effective on Class B flammable liquids and pressurized gases. It is electrically non-conductive. Purple K has been the choice of oil, gas, chemical and utilities industries as the perferred fire fighting agent.

  • Dependable Drawn Steel Cylinders
  • All Metal Valve Construction
  • Easy and more economical to maintain and service
  • Bar Coded and Bilingual Labels
  • Temperature Range -65°F to 120°F
  • All extinguishers are USCG approved with bracket listed on UL label.
  • Available Extinguishers: Wheeled, Stationary
  • Operating Valve: Aluminum, Brass
  • Mount Options: Vehicle, Wall
  • Capacity (lbs): 2.5, 5, 10, 20
Additional Information
ModelItem Number
2.5lb Aluminum with Vehicle Bracket15250
5lb Aluminum with Wall Bracket16038
5lb Aluminum with Vehicle Bracket15288
20lb Aluminum with Wall Bracket11215
10lb Brass with Wall Bracket14965
20lb Brass with Wall Bracket1336