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Home  > Avon Protection - CBRNCF50
Avon Protection - CBRNCF50
Avon Protection - CBRNCF50

Avon Protection - CBRNCF50

The Avon CBRNCF50 canister meets the NIOSH CBRN APR standard at the 15-minute classification level (Cap 1), It provides effective protection against all the gaseous agents specified in the NIOSH CBRN standard, as well as excellent performance against a wider range of both chemical warfare agents and Toxic Industrial Chemicals (TICs). A particulate filter element exceeding the requirements of NIOSH 42CFR84 P100 and EN 14387 (P3) is incorporated, ensuring effective performance against all dusts, mists, fumes, biological agents (bacteria, virus, fungal spores etc), including radioactive dusts. When combined with an appropriate chemical protective mask, the CBRNCF50 filter canister protects the face, eyes and gastrointestinal tract of the wearer against known chemical and biological agents in aerosol, liquid and vapor form.