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Home  > Avon Protection - Tactical Mask Communications (TMC)
Avon Protection - Tactical Mask Communications (TMC)
Avon Protection - Tactical Mask Communications (TMC)

Avon Protection - Tactical Mask Communications (TMC)

Designed for wearers of Avon Respiratory Protection Systems, the TMC tactical communications system is a range of accessories that enables users to connect their Avon respirators quickly and effectively to tactical radio communications equipment. The TMC range offers a simple to configure, install and use range of connectors, press to talk units, microphones and earpieces designed to provide the user with clear and safe communications while wearing an Avon respirator. Unlike other mask to tactical radio connection systems, the Avon TMC system will be the ONLY NIOSH approved respirator to radio communications accessory approved for use with the Avon FM53/54 and C50/PC50.