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Home  > Babington Technology - Containerized Kitchen-Enhanced (CK-e)
Babington Technology - Containerized Kitchen-Enhanced (CK-e)
Babington Technology - Containerized Kitchen-Enhanced (CK-e)

Babington Technology - Containerized Kitchen-Enhanced (CK-e)

The latest in field-feeding innovation – the closed combustion Containerized Kitchen Enhanced (CK-E) that completely eliminates carbon monoxide exposure, dramatically reduces interior heat and fuel consumption to improve Warfighter safety and meet operational energy requirements. For over 25 years, Babington has been providing heat-on-the-move food service equipment that meets and exceeds the U.S. Military's mandates for efficiency, reliability and safety. The CK-e MECC enhances the capabilities or previous containerized kitchens with noted improvements.


  • All appliances are heated by Airtronic burners in closed combustion heat exchangers which eliminates noise and heat contamination while also funneling all combustion exhaust outside the kitchen.
  • All appliances are insulated and thermostatically controlled, making them fuel-efficient and safe to use
  • Appliances can be removed for small unit support in off-grid deployments
  • Modular appliances are stackable and use a storage cabinet base, universal heating module, interchangeable cooktop module and removable exhaust hood