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Home  > Babington Technology - FlexKitchen
Babington Technology - FlexKitchen
Babington Technology - FlexKitchen

Babington Technology - FlexKitchen

The Single Pallet Expeditionary Kitchen (SPEK) is comprised of a TEMPER Tent, a TrayRation Heater, Field Sanitation Unit and gear to support 350 people. It occupies a 463LPallet position and can be operational in three hours or less by five Airmen.The customer wanted to be able to expand ration capability, eliminate the tent systemand improve setup time, without expanding the 463L Pallet footprint.

Babington's ultra-efficient kitchen is integrated into a 3 to 1, expanding, 463L single pallet position container to provide ample space in which to work.

  • Improved setup time—With three personnel, the container can be deployed in less than 30-minutes.
  • Flexibility—The FlexKitchen can be configured with any combination of Babington appliances (griddle, oven, skillet, heated serving line and 3-compartment and field sanitation unit). The HSL and FSU transport in a vertical orientation, minimizing the storage footprints of both appliances.
  • Low power—The FlexKitchen operates on less than 3KW of power.