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Home  > Babington Technology - Tray Ration Heater - Improved (TRH-I)
Babington Technology - Tray Ration Heater - Improved (TRH-I)
Babington Technology - Tray Ration Heater - Improved (TRH-I)
Babington Technology - Tray Ration Heater - Improved (TRH-I)

Babington Technology - Tray Ration Heater - Improved (TRH-I)

U.S. military adopted the Tray Ration Heater for heat-on-the-move capability in 1995 to heat tray rations that can produce up to 300 hot meals within minutes of arrival at any remote location. The entire system mounts onto the cargo bed of a single HMMWV that can be operated by the driver and a food service specialist.

The military responded to the threat of explosives by armoring the HMMWV. Thisimproved safety but cut access to the TRH's power and reduced cargo space.Combat Feeding also wanted a lighter system but did not want to sacrifice the abilityto feed an entire company.

The Tray Ration Heater-Improved (TRH-I) features new improvements that meet all those requirements and more:

  • Improved portability—Overall weight has been reduced by 100 lbs.
  • Reduced power consumption—Power consumption has been cut in half, enabling the TRH-I to operate completely off-grid, using a variety of hybrid power options.
  • Improved safety—New closed feedback system enables the TRH-I to self-adjust for optimal efficiency and safety.