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Home  > BeaverFit - Functional Training Locker - 10'
BeaverFit - Functional Training Locker - 10'
BeaverFit - Functional Training Locker - 10'

BeaverFit - Functional Training Locker - 10'

This 10' shipping container facilitates physical training for up to 50 personnel and assembles in 45 minutes or less. The BeaverFit FTL 10' includes a Functional Training Rig anchored to the container with 12 pull-up bar stations, two 9' climbing wings, a 12' rope climbing tower with an additional squat station and 3 additional pull up bar stations, and attachments for performing dips, squats, plyometric exercises and other functional movements.

The 10' Heavy includes the same Functional Training Rig as the 10' Light, as well as the following standard accessories. Equipment load-out is customizable upon request:
  • (2) Battling ropes
  • (2) 14lb, (2) 18lb, and/or (2) 20lb Medicine balls
  • (2) 12kg, (2) 16kg, 20kg, and/or (2) 24kg Kettlebells
  • (4) Olympic bars
  • (4) 230lb bumper plate packages
  • (1) Utility bench
  • (4) Collar sets
  • (2) Ultimate 'Strength' sand-bags
  • (4) Foam rollers
  • (4) rings
  • (4) rotational trainers/bands, and (4) jump ropes

The shipping container is custom-fabricated to store the included equipment.
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Additional Information
Model Item #
Functional Training Locker - 10'' Light FTL-10L
Functional Training Locker - 10'' Heavy FTL-10H