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Home  > Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Sunshades - Equipment, Vehicles, Aircraft, Personnel
Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Sunshades - Equipment, Vehicles, Aircraft, Personnel
Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Sunshades - Equipment, Vehicles, Aircraft, Personnel

Brite Rigid Frame Buildings - Sunshades - Equipment, Vehicles, Aircraft, Personnel

  • MRO or MWR - Hangars, DFAC's, Warehousing, Logistics staging, Shade Shelters, Maintenance shops, Shade Shelters, and more
  • Temporary, Semi-Permanent, and Enduring Solutions available
  • Six frame options to meet most military in-field, deployed and garrison requirements
  • Most models are deployable and installed with minimal site preparation and equipment
  • Worldwide installation services or self-installed
  • Often no permanent facility or site alterations required
  • Unlimited utility - the system is re-deployable and re-configurable.
  • Can be classified as equipment, not real property
  • Multiple anchoring systems from concrete ballast blocks to earth anchors, and connex box mounting
  • Structures rated for applicable UFC load requirements
  • Verified procurement through DLA SOE Tents Contract
  • Professionally-engineered to meet or exceed all building codes and withstand the most demanding environments for permanent, semi-permanent, and temporary applications
  • Worldwide delivery and installation with the most aggressive timelines in the industry