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Home  > Cardiac Science - AED Storage
Cardiac Science - AED Storage
Cardiac Science - AED Storage

Cardiac Science - AED Storage

AED Wall Sleeve
This AED wall mounted storage sleeve is an economical and attractive AED holder which keeps your Automated External Defibrillator in an easily accessible location.

Surface Wall Mount Cabinet
This well constructed surface mounted AED wall cabinet provides a great way to store your AED in an easily accessible location. The AED sits inside the white cabinet with a see-through door.

Hardsided Waterproof Carry Case for AED
This hard-sided waterproof carry case is a great storage solution for rugged environments. The Powerheart AED fits safely and snuggly inside while the durable outer shell provides additional protection against bumps, drops and the elements.

ModelItem Number
AED Wall Sleeve180-2022-001
Surface Wall Mount Cabinet50-00392-10
Surface Wall Mount Cabinet with Alarm, Security Enabled50-00392-20
Surface Wall Mount Cabinet with Alarm, Security & Strobe enabled50-00392-30
Hardsided Waterproof Carry Case for AED9157-004