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Home  > Cave Systems - The StackaBox
Cave Systems - The StackaBox
Cave Systems - The StackaBox

Cave Systems - The StackaBox

The StackaBox is ideal for the secure storage and transportation of small to medium sized parts, maintenance kits, spares and spares kits, tool kits, medical suppliers and small arms in 250LB loads. The StackaBox is man-portable unit and can easily be moved to point of use by two people. The StackaBox has a patented foolproof 5-position retention and security feature, which secures it to the SuperGlide 500, a patented 100% extension slide system.

  • Stainless steel hinges
  • Weatherproof seals
  • Partitioning kits
  • Spring loaded carrying handles
  • 5 Point patented locking and security feature
  • 250 lb Capacity
  • Lid supported gas struts
  • SuperGlide 500 100% extension slide system
  • Unique slide system with no rotating parts
  • Stainless steel latches with padlock features
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