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Operational Medicine Equipment

Phokus Research Group - Hopliite Night Vision Focusing Cover

The Hoplite was developed by SOF end users to reduce far to near focusing time accomplished through its hinged aperture control. This patented technology provides unrivaled speed for target identification of threats at 5 feet or 300 yards. The hinged cover provides a critical advantage by allowing NVG's to stay focused out to infinity while simultaneously allowing Target ID of near threats by flipping the cover closed. Warfighters commonly modify their dust covers to gain this same advantage only to discover unreliable transitioning and functional inconsistency.

Equipment protection was our next concern. Tens of thousands of NVG's are damaged each year due to lens scratches and cracks. The Hoplite's design replaces existing dust covers and sacrificial lenses.

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Phokus Research Group - Deployment Trauma Kit
The original Phokus Trauma kit design. The Deployment Trauma Kit was made to fit easily and securely behind an Operator's ballistic plates or concealable armor. Patent pending design includes a pull-tab and 'rip-cord" for rapid deployment. Ballistic protection on the Operator offers a safe location to wear essential medical gear. DTK II features an external pill pouch.

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Phokus Research Group - Low Visibility Trauma Kit
The Low Visibility Trauma Kit features a low profile packaging designed to easily fit in a cargo pocket or in a small pouch on the lower back. The LVD/LVD II can be carried in addition to the DTK/DTK II, allowing the Operator enough gear for Self-Aid and to provide Buddy-Aid. LVD II features an external pill pouch.

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Phokus Research Group - Shield Trauma Kit
Originally developed for Operators who carry a gun but do not wear body armor, the Shield Trauma Kit is pocket sized and small enough to fit in a jacket pocket or can be worn in a variety of other applications. The contents follow all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Guidelines and are packed for priority of care, sealed within heavy-duty medical grade vinyl that provides weatherproof protection of critical medical supplies. Radio Frequency (RF) welded seams provide superior loss protection of valuable equipment.Made in the USA | Patent No. 8,925,115. Contents: Hemostatic Gauze, Secondary Tourniquet, Improvised Occlusive Dressing, Medical Tape.

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Phokus Research Group - Phokus Frog Gauze
  • Non-woven Gauze
  • Made in the USA
  • 3 in x 4 yds
  • 1/2 in thick
  • Sterile, Z-Folded
  • Vacuum Packed for easy application
  • Can fit into any size or shaped wound
  • Non-allergenic
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Phokus Research Group - Low Vis Zippered Trainer
All Phokus Trauma Kits are available to order in a zippered version of the heavy-duty medical grade vinyl packaging to simulate ripcord opening for trauma treatment training.

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Phokus Research Group - Hoplite
Have you ever come off your weapon to adjust NVG focus? Does your mission require constant distance changes from far to near? Now, the Hoplite Focusing Cover gives you a critical advantage while on Night Vision. Its patented technology allows your NVG's to stay focused out to infinity while adding visual clarity to near threats of 1-to-5 feet.

Tech Specs:
  • Weight: 0.70 oz
  • Length: 26mm
  • Width: 55mm
  • Depth: 15.9mm
  • Material: Polycarbonate & 18-8 stainless steel
Available for Models:
  • AN/PVS-31
  • AN/PVS-7
  • AN/PVS-7B/D
  • ANVIS-9
  • AN/PVS-14
  • AN/PVS-15
  • AN/PVS-18
  • BNVD-G
  • AN/PVS-23(F5050YG)
  • M944 Pocket Scope
  • NEPVS-14
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Phokus Research Group - Advanced Vehicle Trauma Kit

Designed for vehicles, boats and other locations where a self-contained trauma kit is beneficial, the Mobility Trauma Kit provides a larger size with the opportunity to carry more gear while still retaining a slim profile that will store easily. The contents follow all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Guidelines, and are packed for priority of care, sealed within heavy-duty medical grade vinyl that provides weatherproof protection of critical medical supplies. Radio Frequency (RF) welded seams provide superior loss protection of valuable equipment. Made in the USA | Patent No. 8,925,115.

  • Size: 9 x 10 x 1 | Wt: 14.1 oz
  • Contents: Hemostatic Gauze, Pressure Dressing, Z Fold Gauze, CAT Tourniquet, Decompression, NPA, Occlusive Dressing, Nitrile Gloves, Cravat
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Phokus Research Group - Accessories Pack
Rip cord and pull tab extenders for operators to rig their gear to the unit's SOP's Made in the USA.

  • Kit enhancements:
  • Rip cord and pull tab extender.
  • Blood type stickers
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Phokus Research Group - Breathing and Airway Sub-Kit

Designed for medical bags. The Phokus Sub-Kit keeps trauma supplies organized by injury type. Pre-assembled or custom built, offers operators configuration options in order to distribute kits quickly and efficiently during trauma treatment. Specialty sub kits focus on the specific trauma at hand, containing vital medical gear essential for treatment. The contents are packed for priority of care, sealed within heavy-duty medical grade vinyl that provides weatherproof protection of critical medical supplies. Radio Frequency (RF) welded seams provide superior loss protection of valuable equipment.
Contents: Occlusive Dressing, NPA, 550 Paracord, Needle, Surgilube and Gloves. Medical grade vinyl packaging with hook and loop RF welded to exterior.

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Phokus Research Group - Individual Bleeding Control Kit

Provides critical equipment that allows all bystanders to act as emergency responders and stop significant blood loss. Includes life-saving tools that are easy to use.Ɗ Conveniently packaged in a durable, compact pouch.Ɗ Available in heavyweight medical grade vinyl or lightweight LokSak. Contents: Bleeding Control Dressing Ɛ Quikclot, Tourniquet (CAT or SOFTT-W), Z-Fold Frog Gauze, Elastic Bandage, Frog Tape 6pk, Nitrile Gloves 1pr, Survival Rescue Blanket.

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Phokus Research Group - Large Bleeding Control Pack
  • Includes six individual Bleeding Control Kits.
  • Kits are easily accessed by opening the wall-mounted bag.
  • Each kit can be removed or they can all be kept together in the bag for convenience.
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Phokus Research Group - Medium Bleeding Control Pack
  • Includes three individual Bleeding Control Kits.
  • Kits are easily accessed by opening the wall-mounted bag.
  • Each kit can be removed or they can all be kept together in the bag for convenience.
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Phokus Research Group - Bleeding Sub-Kit
Designed for medical bags. The Phokus Sub-Kit keeps trauma supplies organized by injury type. Pre-assembled or custom built to your specs. Offers configuration options in order to distribute kits quickly and efficiently during trauma treatment. Specialty sub kits focus on the specific trauma at hand, containing vital medical gear essential for treatment. The contents are packed for priority of care, sealed within heavy-duty medical grade vinyl that provides weatherproof protection of critical medical supplies. Radio Frequency (RF) welded seams provide superior loss protection of valuable equipment.

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Phokus Research Group - Waterproof Deployment Trauma Kit 2

Using a patented pressure sealed, plate shaped design allows operators to comfortably wear medical gear in the negative space behind their ballistic plates. designed for quick deployment, protected and instantly accessible; eliminating the need for bulky external medical pouches. They're also dust proof and waterproof to IP67, meaning they withstand immersion in water one meter deep for up to 30 minutes. Patent No. 8,925,115. The contents follow all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) guidelines.


  • Combat Gauze
  • Z-Fold Gauze x2
  • Elastic Bandage
  • Occlusive Dressing x2
  • 14G Needle
  • NPA W/ 550
  • Nitrile Gloves
  • Casualty Card
  • Safety Pins x2
  • Sharpie
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Phokus Research Group - Low Visibility Deployment 2
Using a patented pressure sealed, plate shaped design allows operators to comfortably wear medical gear in the negative space behind their ballistic plates. Phokus trauma kits are designed for quick deployment, protected and instantly accessible; eliminating the need for bulky external medical pouches. Patent No. 8,925,115. The contents follow all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) guidelines.

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Phokus Research Group - LVD 2 Sub-Kit
Using a patented pressure sealed, plate shaped design allows operators to comfortably wear medical gear in the negative space behind their ballistic plates. Phokus trauma kits are designed for quick deployment, protected and instantly accessible; eliminating the need for bulky external medical pouches. Patent No. 8,925,115. The contents follow all Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) guidelines.

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Phokus Research Group - War Fighter Bundle v7
The War Fighter Bundle v7 is comprised of the Deployment Trauma Kit 2 and the Shield Trauma Kit. The original patented design of the Deployment Series fits easily and securely behind an operator's ballistic plates. This innovative under armor design reduces ergonomic issues identified by overburdened warfighters. The Shield Trauma Kit is a versatile pocket-sized kit that can be worn in a variety of applications. Proven in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Phokus Trauma Kit is engineered to be durable, lightweight and efficient during trauma treatment. From the full-sized Vehicle Series to the pocket-sized Shield Series, Phokus Trauma Kits are battle tested innovations that increase survivability.

  • Material: Medical Grade Vinyl
  • Size: 9x11 Inches, 3/4 Inches Thick
  • Weight: 9.4 Ounces
  • Includes: Combat GauzeĀ®, Z-Fold Gauze (2), Elastic Bandage, Occlusive Dressing, 14G Needle, NPA w/550, TCCC Card, Nitrile Gloves & Sharpie
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Phokus Research Group - War Fighter Bundle v8
The War Fighter Bundle v8 is comprised of the DTK2 Split Kit and the Shield Trauma Kit. The patented design of the Deployment Series has been updated to include two separate pockets and dual zippers to quickly access lifesaving gear. The Shield Trauma Kit is a versatile pocket-sized kit that can be worn in a variety of applications. Proven in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Phokus Trauma Kit is engineered to be durable, lightweight and efficient during trauma treatment. From the full-sized Vehicle Series to the pocket-sized Shield Series, Phokus Trauma Kits are battle tested innovations that increase survivability.

  • Material: Medical Grade Vinyl
  • Size: 4x6 Inches, 1/2-3/4 Inches Thick
  • Weight: 8 Ounces
  • Includes: Combat GauzeĀ®, SWAT-T & Medical Tape
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