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Home  > CrewBoss - Fire Rehab Kart Kit
CrewBoss - Fire Rehab Kart Kit
CrewBoss - Fire Rehab Kart Kit

CrewBoss - Fire Rehab Kart Kit

The Rehab Kart Kit was designed to be stored and transported in an existing response trailer air trucks, heavy rescues or vehicles with a drop gate. All you need is a compact 2? x 8? space. We have built a heavy-duty, multi-tiered kart on durable caster wheels with features such as a turnout gear hanging system and large grab handles.

In the station house, it takes up minimal space and the large wheels make moving/loading easy. Extra karts can be utilized to organize gear inside your various rescue and response trailers. Organize your heavy Search & Rescue gear on a kart, and then easily rolling it closer to the event.

  • The Kart Kit includes:
  • CB16 shelter
  • Seating for responders and paramedics
  • Medical supplies organizer with hard writing surface
  • Crowd control gear
  • Toilet with separate privacy shelter
  • White board kit
  • Portable sink
  • Cooler
  • Towels
  • Multiple ground tarps
  • Misting fan system
  • Water cooler and cup dispenser
  • Storage for clothing, blankets and food/water supplies
  • Quick release trailer tie-downs to keep all the gear secure within the Kart
Additional Information
ModelItem Number
Fire Rehab Kart KitCBRKART