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Home  > Garmin - Forerunner 945 LTE
Garmin - Forerunner 945 LTE
Garmin - Forerunner 945 LTE

Garmin - Forerunner 945 LTE

Up-at-dawn runners and conditioned-for-pain triathletes, this watch provides peace of mind while running, riding or swimming.
- Leave your phone at home - on purpose. LTE connectivity1 has you covered.
- Put the perfect soundtrack right on your wrist.
- Packed with powerful performance metrics to help you train smarter.
- Easily pay for purchases using Garmin Pay™ with just a tap of your wrist.
- Explore more routes with guidance from full-color onboard maps.
- Get up to 7 hours of battery life in GPS mode with music and LTE LiveTrack.