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Home  > Genasys - LRAD 1000XITM
Genasys - LRAD 1000XI<sup>TM</sup>
Genasys - LRAD 1000XI<sup>TM</sup>

Genasys - LRAD 1000XITM

The LRAD 1000Xi is a power efficient, long distance communication system designed for applications ranging from critical infrastructure protection to territorial water, border and port security, and large vessel and vehicle installations. Featuring a rugged carbon fiber emitter head integrated with electronics and amplification, the LRAD 1000Xi comes standard with an MP3 Control Module for playing recorded messages and an all-weather microphone for live broadcasts. The MP3 Control module also enables remote operation of the device from safe locations.
  • Rugged, military tested construction
  • Low power requirements
  • All-weather use
  • Easy to use
  • Increased coverage with single operator
  • Safer alternative to non-lethal deterrent measures
  • HD Camera (optional)
  • Highly intelligible communication up to 3,000 meters
  • Safely communicates beyond standoff distances to determine intent
  • Variable beam width for extended coverage
  • Clear, long range, directional communication
  • Establishes instant acoustic standoff perimeter