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Home  > Genasys - Mobile Range System
Genasys - Mobile Range System
Genasys - Mobile Range System
Genasys - Mobile Range System

Genasys - Mobile Range System

The 60XL Mobile Range System incorporates highly intelligible, focused sound in a small, mobile form factor that enables operators to configure the system to meet their unique public safety and mass notification needs. The Genasys 60XL horn has a Speech Transmission Index rating of 0.95 on a 0.00 - 1.00 scale, ensuring critical communications are always clearly heard and understood. The horn's 60° audio dispersion pattern distributes voice communications more effectively and efficiently. The self-contained amplifier pack is easily transported and set up to provide several hours of continuous mass notification, no matter the location. The 60XL Mobile Range System is available in either one or two-horn configurations.