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Home  > HIPPO Multipower - HIPPO CPS (Complete Power Solution)
HIPPO Multipower - HIPPO CPS (Complete Power Solution)
HIPPO Multipower - HIPPO CPS (Complete Power Solution)

HIPPO Multipower - HIPPO CPS (Complete Power Solution)

The HIPPO can also be placed on one of the most widely used platforms in service today, providing mobility to your ALL-In-One power system due to its extreme durability, reliability, and being perfectly engineered for integration. The frame and body of the trailer are composed of aircraft aluminum alloy with a reinforced high strength steel drawbar making the trailer incredibly robust and durable while maintaining a minimal (1440lbs) weight characteristic.

  • The HIPPO 2032E provides air, electric and hydraulic power including:
  • Up to 5.2KW, 120 Volts at 60Hz
  • Two (2) 10gpm @ 2000psi hydraulic tool circuits
  • 40 CFM or 80 CFM @ 110 PSI compressed air
  • The HIPPO 2042E provides air, electric, hydraulic and welding power including:
  • Up to 5.2 KW, 120 volts AC at 60Hz
  • Two (2) 10gpm @ 2000psi hydraulic tool circuits
  • 240 Amp DC welder (70% duty cycle)
Additional Information
Model Item #
HIPPO 2042E 2042E