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Home  > Honeywell - Manyard II Shock-Absorbing Lanyard
Honeywell - Manyard II Shock-Absorbing Lanyard
Honeywell - Manyard II Shock-Absorbing Lanyard

Honeywell - Manyard II Shock-Absorbing Lanyard

Manyard II Lanyards greatly reduce the chances of tripping, snagging or dragging.

  • Contracts 6 ft. [1.8m] to 4 ft. [1.2m],
  • Specially-woven shock-absorbing inner core smoothly expands up to 42 inches (1.1m) to reduce fall arrest forces
  • Heavy-duty tubular outer jacket serves as a back-up lanyard
  • Unique warning flag provides visual proof that a lanyard has been involved in a fall and must be removed from service
  • Integral bright red core makes visual inspection easier and more reliable
  • Available in green or blue webbing for greater chemical resistance
Additional Information
ModelItem Number
Manyard II Shock-Absorbing Lanyard231M/6FTGN