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Home  > InVeris - Bullet Traps
InVeris - Bullet Traps
InVeris - Bullet Traps

InVeris - Bullet Traps

With over 95 years of live fire range experience, InVeris Training Systems is an expert in ballistic containment. The patented GranTrapTM rubber bullet trap uses granulate rubber material to stop incoming rounds. The bullet impacts the soft media and is captured predominately intact, minimizing airborne lead dust, averting backsplatter and ricochet, and minimizing impact noise. InVeris also developed the first US commercial steel bullet trap and venetian blind traps. The LE5000 steel trap series provides a low cost, low maintenance solution for indoor and outdoor ranges using fixed firing lines. The design of the impact plates directs bullets into a swirl chamber at the top of the trap for final deceleration. The spent fragments collect in trays for easy cleaning of the bullet trap.